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30+ Brands Consumers Are Praising for Their Efforts Around Covid-19

We used Brandwatch's AI assistant Iris to discover positive stories around the world's biggest brands

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REPORT30+ Brands Consumers Are Praising for Their Efforts Around Covid-19

Coronavirus is affecting organizations across the globe. As we all adapt, we’re documenting the largest positive conversations from consumers directed at brands online.

For this report, we used Brandwatch’s AI assistant Iris to search through nearly a billion brand-related posts, identifying the conversation drivers behind the most talked about moments.

Read on and learn which brands have generated the biggest, most positive spikes in conversations from consumers.

You can find the methodology here.


Moet & Chandon Perfume facilities began creating tons of free hydroalcoholic gel for hand sanitizer

Date: 17 March | Mentions: 1440 | Increase in conversation: 13200%


Mondelez Mondelez raises hourly wage and bonus as panic buying fuels demand

Date: 23 March | Mentions: 1760 | Increase in conversation: 423%


Hyatt Lighting up a hotel with the American flag

Date: 25 March | Mentions: 2130 | Increase in conversation: 2326%


Bacardi Provides raw materials to enable production of hand sanitizer

Date: 20 March | Mentions: 3410 | Increase in conversation: 3410%


Nickelodeon Launched a site to keep kids busy at home during the coronavirus outbreak

Date: 19 March | Mentions: 4020 | Increase in conversation: 1902%


Hilton Hotel in Baltimore converted into field hospital

Date: 23 March | Mentions: 5150 | Increase in conversation: 400%


Dyson Begin production on ventilators for UK government

Date: 23 March | Mentions: 6270 | Increase in conversation: 2626%


Xiaomi Donates N95 masks to government and hospitals

Date: 23 March | Mentions: 6500 | Increase in conversation: 358%


Hyundai Creating 25,000 ventilators

Date: 28 March | Mentions: 9530 | Increase in conversation: 136%


Dominos Hiring 10,000 new workers to meet new demand

Date: 19 March | Mentions: 8510 | Increase in conversation: 440%


MTV Keeping everyone entertained with their tweets

Date: 13 March | Mentions: 12,310 | Increase in conversation: 962%


T-Mobile CEO responds to Covid-19

Date: 13 March | Mentions: 16,030 | Increase in conversation: 432%


Olive Garden Gives employees permanent, paid sick leave benefits

Date: 10 March | Mentions: 19,460 | Increase in conversation: 3260%


Coca Cola Advertising space and budget will be used to support Covid-19 relief and response efforts

Date: 20 March | Mentions: 21,220 | Increase in conversation: 216%


BBC Announced its plans for broadcasting during the pandemic

Date: 18 March | Mentions: 25,320 | Increase in conversation: 1176%


Guinness Pledging financial support for communities affected by Covid-19

Date: 17 March | Mentions: 25,830 | Increase in conversation: 318%


Taco Bell Response goes (perhaps unintentionally) viral

Date: 14 March | Mentions: 30,180 | Increase in conversation: 1814%


Rolls Royce UK government asks the brand to produce ventilators

Date: 15 March | Mentions: 31,280 | Increase in conversation: 3158%


PepsiCo Providing one million meals per week to children in need

Date: 17 March | Mentions: 39,460 | Increase in conversation: 1988%


Apple Confirms it's okay to clean your iPhone with disinfectant

Date: 9 March | Mentions: 47,170 | Increase in conversation: 122%


Texas Roadhouse CEO foregoes salary for one year to pay workers

Date: 27 March | Mentions: 71,020 | Increase in conversation: 13051%


Taj Hotels Opens doors to doctors

Date: 3 April | Mentions: 71,270 | Increase in conversation: 18655%


Chick-fil-A Delivers 1,000 free meals to hospital staff

Date: 17 March | Mentions: 51,440 | Increase in conversation: 1852%


Tesla CEO offers to make ventilators

Date: 20 March | Mentions: 96,070 | Increase in conversation: 562%


China Eastern Airways A flight from Rome from Shanghai brings 9 Chinese medical experts and 31 tons of medications

Date: 12 March | Mentions: 112,860 | Increase in conversation: 25365%


Microsoft Continues to pay all support staff who earn an hourly wage even if their services aren’t needed

Date: 5 March | Mentions: 132,690 | Increase in conversation: 191%


AT&T Suspend broadband caps during Covid-19 pandemic

Date: 12 March | Mentions: 136,210 | Increase in conversation: 2817%


Ryanair Waves all fees to change flights

Date: 13 March | Mentions: 142,870 | Increase in conversation: 4935%


Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube Joint tech industry statement on Covid-19

Date: 17 March | Mentions: 149,510 | Increase in conversation: 228%


Nintendo Fans ask company to release Animal Crossing early

Date: 11 March | Mentions: 281,640 | Increase in conversation: 3098%


Nintendo Fans celebrate the Animal Crossing launch

Date: 21 March | Mentions: 350,460 | Increase in conversation: 5038%


We used Brandwatch Consumer Research to track conversation around hundreds of top brands (those included within the Brandwatch Index). We then visualized that data over a year, and used Brandwatch’s AI assistant Iris to identify what was driving the peaks in conversation.

The number of mentions you see next to the above moments represent mentions of a brand on that particular date. This means some mentions won’t refer directly to the trend we’re talking about. The trend we include is the main driver of conversation for that brand on that day.

The only exception is when brands were involved multiple big trends in a single day (in which case, we split out the volume numbers by the individual trends).

The increase in conversation percentage represents the percentage increase in conversation versus a 30 day median.

This report was last updated on 26 March 2020. 

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