Johan Rockström

Climate change scientist Johan Rockström is changing how we discuss sustainability.


The climate change conversation has seen an average of 2 million online mentions every month in 2023 so far. Yet, with a stream of non-expert voices and unreliable sources contributing to the conversation, educating the population on sustainability is paramount. Enter: Johan Rockström.

Johan, a Swedish scientist and voice on global sustainability issues, is renowned for his powerful take on all things climate. He’s the joint director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany and a Professor at the University of Potsdam.

Johan’s influence is most prominent in the media. According to Brandwatch Consumer Research, there were over 325,000 mentions of Johan on news sites between November 2022 and April 2023. When Johan talks, people listen.

Towards the end of March, Johan was involved in a research project with The Global Commission on the Economics of Water. The report found that the demand for fresh water is projected to exceed the supply by a staggering 40% within the next decade. The report made headlines across thousands of news outlets – and was read by even more.

Weekly reach of news sources, blogs, and forums citing Johan Rockström

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Chart shows weekly reach for news sources, blogs, and forums mentioning Johan Rockström. Data covers 1 Nov 2022 to 30 Apr 2023. Data gathered using Brandwatch Consumer Research.

Johan’s influence with this report demonstrates just one of the many he’s been involved with, creating an enormous impact on how the world views climate change. His dedication to raising awareness for sustainability and massive influence in the news in early 2023 makes him one of our Change Makers for 2023.

How you can spark change

Influence measurement comes in all shapes and sizes. From social media engagement to readers on news sites, brands and individuals should consider utilizing different methods of reach to their advantage. Monitor the impact you’re making over time to see how this message is being amplified.

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