Le Baromètre Social Media 2025 est sorti 🎉

Nous avons analysé 347 marques dans 8 secteurs d'activité pour vous offrir les derniers benchmarks, insights et astuces dont vous avez besoin pour élaborer une stratégie marketing social media plus intelligente.

Lire les résultats

For Agencies

The complete data visualization solution for agencies, featuring Live Reporting and Command Center.

Live reporting

The ultimate reporting tool for agencies.

How it works

Create engaging reports

Deliver insight effectively with easy to understand visualizations and integrated data.

Share easily and securely

Send live, secure and on-demand reports to anyone by email. No password required.

See who’s engaged

Get full visibility on who has viewed your reports. Know what content is working and what’s not.


Central Data Management

Reap the benefits of having your data in one single view. Google Analytics, Facebook, search & more.


No need to force clients to sign into another platform. On-demand insights at just the click of a button.

Full Visibility

Understand if clients are viewing your reports. Double down on what’s working and drop what’s not.

Complete Flexibility

Revoke access when you need to. Remove people from the list, or turn off sharing entirely.

Add Style

Adopt custom themes to stay on brand, always. Give your reports the context they deserve with text, image, emoji – it’s flexible to suit your needs.

Unlimited Content

Be as brief or as detailed as you need to be. Unlimited slide creation eliminates any restrictions.

Complete Control

Only share with those you need to and never worry about sensitive work being forwarded without your knowledge.

Real-time results

Whether it’s a campaign or your monthly reporting, rest assured you will have the most up to date view.

Cross device

Desktop, phone, tablet – your clients will be able to access your insights no matter where they are.

The key advantage for us of using the Vizia service is the quick set up and the range of different visualisation types. We create looping dashboards that reveal relevant data points to the discussion at hand, so as to support our strategic discussions and decision making processes around media, strategy and creative.”

— Bradley Roberts, Senior Vice President - Ad Sales UK, US, Nordics & Int. Mindshare

Command Center

Engaging, real-time displays that can be managed at scale.

Respond quicker

Whether it’s a campaign, a crisis or a live event - Vizia has the tools you need to make smart decisions, in the moment.

Get closer to customers

Align your team around the voice of the customer. Use engaging visualizations to ensure the customer always comes first.

Prove the value of your work

Champion the importance of social and digital by putting your work front and center. Make an impact and drive the digital agenda in your organization.



Choose from over 40 different and expertly-designed visualizations to bring your data to life.

Data sources

Combine your data into one central view with our growing list of social and marketing data integrations.

Distribution hub

Use an easy to install Chrome extension and intuitive drag and drop interface to deploy data to any connected screen.

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Devenez une entreprise axée sur les insights et données clés

Découvrez ce que Brandwatch peut vous apprendre sur vos clients. Complétez le formulaire pour réserver une démo et nous reviendrons vers vous.

Pourquoi choisir Vizia :

  • Nommé leader par le G2Crowd en tant que spécialiste dans la surveillance des données social media

  • Twitter Partenaire Officiel

Ils nous font confiance

Solutions de Consumer Intelligence

Effectuez des recherches sur les réseaux sociaux et le web pour trouver les bonnes personnes à atteindre, les opportunités à saisir et les potentiels problèmes à éviter.

Falcon.io fait désormais partie de Brandwatch.
Vous êtes au bon endroit !

Vous êtes déjà client ?Connectez-vous pour accéder à vos produits et vos données Falcon à partir de l'onglet 'Login' en haut à droite de votre écran.Nouveau par ici ?Vous trouverez les produits Falcon dans la partie 'Gestion des réseaux sociaux' dans le menu 'Nos solutions'.

Paladin is now Influence.
You're in the right place!

Brandwatch acquired Paladin in March 2022. It's now called Influence, which is part of Brandwatch's Social Media Management solution.Want to access your Paladin account?Use the login menu at the top right corner.