You are missing thousands of images that contain your logo.

80% of the images online containing a brand’s logo don’t reference the brand name in the accompanying text.

So without an image detection tool, you miss these images.

That’s why we built Image Insights

  • World-leading technology, independently benchmarked
  • Recognize any logo in any setting
  • 50% less spam
  • 10x more coverage
  • Available to buy today

“Visual content is one of the most common conversation starters on Twitter, both by and about brands themselves.

As a result, businesses have had a long-standing need to understand where, when and how their likeness and logos are being used in Tweets. We are excited to see the launch of Brandwatch’s new Image Insights as it allows our marketing partners to now identify and track any brand logo accurately and affordably.

We expect our brand partners will unlock new business value from Twitter data with Image Insights in applications such as ad creative development, product placement tracking, and influencer marketing campaigns. We look forward to even more brand-focused innovations together thanks to our deep partnership with the Brandwatch.”

Rob Johnson, Director of Product, Twitter

10 reasons to use Image Insights

1. Uncover user-generated content

A brand is not what you say it is. It’s what they say it is. (Neumeier)

To understand your brand, you have to understand your user generated content. Image Insights can highlight the viral or growing images that include your logo, like this example from Disney.

image insights UGC 

2. Understand the ROI from your advertisements

Your company may spend millions sponsoring events. To truly understand ROI, you have to compare your ‘share of eye’ with your competitors.

Emirates and Adidas sponsor Real Madrid, but which got more exposure from the Champions League Final? Image Insights can figure that out.

3. Discover your influencers

When you think of Adidas influencers you probably think of Beckham, Messi, the All Blacks and Team GB.

But who really influences their female audience?

4. See how consumers really use your product

Some call social media the world’s largest focus group.

With Image Insights, you can use that focus group to see how your customers use your products.

5. Detect viral content before it grows

To capitalize on viral content, you need to see it growing.

With Image Insight Alerts, you can set up email alerts that inform you every time an image starts to go viral.

6. Discover product feedback

Product feedback doesn’t just come in the form of text.

It’s in videos, gifs, and memes. With Image Insights you can quantify this.

7. Uncover logo misuse

People will misuse and abuse your logo.

Whether it’s for commercial gain or harmless fun, you need to know about it.

8. See harmful content early

In today’s world brands like United and Pepsi know how damaging harmful content can be.

With Image Insights, you can see this content before it grows.

9. Benchmark against competitors

Does my audience see more of my brand, or more of my competitors?

With Image Insights, you can figure out your ‘share of eye’.

10. Find your logo, everywhere

T-shirts, billboards, TVs, caps, mugs and even tattoos. Our AI technology is powerful enough to find your logo anywhere.

The question is, are you as smart as the AI? Can you find the logo in this image? Let us know in the comments.

Image Insights is available now.

If you want to see it in action, click here to get a demo.