What can you do online? A lot. The Internet has many things to offer. From searching information to getting cool online or intangible services such as reading from a psychic, to selling actual products – all of these can be done on the web.

One of the things that most users do online is log in to social media sites. Millions of people from around the globe actively access their social media accounts each day.

That being said, it’s just a smart move for businesses to use these platforms to market their products or services.

If you are a business owner and you’ve been using social media to grow your brand, but you don’t think it’s working on your part, there might be some things that you are doing wrong. Throughout 2014, improve your social media marketing strategy by avoiding these common mistakes.

1/ Not Promoting Your Accounts


If you have accounts on different social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, promote them on each of your accounts to attract more prospective clients. Include them on your e-mail signature and business cards as well.

This way, people who already are in your network can follow you if they have accounts on those sites, giving you the chance to also connect with the people in their network.

Take every opportunity that you have for connecting with users who belong to your target market.


2/ Account Inactivity


Social media marketing doesn’t stop after creating an account. You’re promoting your brand to users so they should notice you. If they don’t feel your presence, you may not really reap its benefits.


3/ Over Posting

 Too much of something is also not good. Several postings a day could turn users off as this may flood their feeds with everything that you post. They may perceive it as spamming, making it difficult for them to be updated on posts from their other friends or people they are following. You should find the right balance so you gain have the exposure you need, without over posting. Two to three postings per day is ideal.

This way, those who access their account in the morning or evening are still able to see your updates.


4/ Not Paying Attention to Users

 Social media is not just about posting updates. It’s “social” so you must interact with the users. Do not ignore comments and questions as this could leave a bad impression.

As much as possible, acknowledge what comments are posted on your account and address them as soon as you can. Commenters feel special knowing that their voice is being heard.

This can help strengthen your relationship and develop loyalty. Not only they will keep doing business with you, but it’s also more likely that they will recommend you to their friends.


5/ Not Posting Quality Content

 More and more users are giving importance to the quality of the content they are reading.

While you want to make sales, selling your products or services on social media all the time could push your followers away. Instead of doing this, inform them on how your products or services can help them.

Post related information that readers would also find helpful and interesting. This would eventually lead them to try what you have to offer.

bart simpson lavagna

6/ Sounding like a Robot

 People are more likely to support you if you try to build a relationship with them. Interacting with them is the key in doing this. Do not just post or reply with canned responses. Make them personalized so they don’t sound automated.

A personal connection could be achieved if you do so. Again, this helps build relationship and loyalty.

Make this year a brand new start in making your social media marketing work. Build your brand, connect with people and strengthen your relationship with them.
