With the new Campaign Tracking Wizard, it’s never been simpler to keep track of your performance and boost the effectiveness of your ongoing campaigns.

Planning the creative content for your social media campaign is likely to be the first thing you work on. But thinking about the results you want to achieve and how you’re going to measure and respond to them is the key to a really successful campaign. 

Set up your Dashboard (in seconds)

Setting up a Dashboard to monitor your campaign in couldn’t be simpler. In this example we’re going to look at the #SREnow campaign to change UK government policy on Sex Education in schools.

The Brandwatch Query and Dashboard Wizards allow you to quickly type in the details of your campaign in easy-to-use forms. You can add:

  • Hashtags
  • Campaign websites (if it has multiple pages)
  • Specific landing pages
  • Links to specific content (e.g. YouTube videos). This will help build your Query by searching for any social mentions of these hashtags or links. The Query is built behind the scenes automatically but if you’re familiar with Brandwatch operators you’ll know them as the hashtag: operator and links: operator.

What’s particularly useful about the links: operator is that it will find people sharing your links even if they’ve used a URL shortener like bit.ly.


The next step is to refine your search. You can do this by providing words that show a mention is out of context or by limiting your search to one country or language to avoid unrelated foreign examples. This might be necessary if:

  • Your campaign hashtag is also used in another context or language already
  • People try to hijack your hashtag and you want to remove spam.

Now you’re ready to create a Dashboard to keep track of your campaign in. The Campaign Dashboard Wizard, again, will take care of all the hard work for you here. All you need to do is tell it:

  • The start date of your campaign
  • Any related hashtags
  • Your owned Twitter handles.

It will automatically create a personalized, segmented Dashboard for you.

Monitor your campaign in real-time

The first tab you’ll see is an overview of how your whole campaign has been going over the last 24 hours.

Quickly discover big spikes in mentions or in positive or negative sentiment and click on a data point to see what’s driven that engagement by uncovering the verbatim mentions behind it. Use this to follow up with the influencers or content that might have triggered the change and ride the wave of publicity.



You can also use Mentions Livestream Tab to see all the latest mentions of your campaign as they are discovered in real-time.


When you save your Query you will also be given the option to set up a Signal which will automatically alert you via email to any big spikes in mentions or other important trends going on around your campaign.

This way you don’t even need to be logged in to Brandwatch to know when something that requires a response is happening.

Know what’s resonating

The next tabs in your Dashboard will show you how your campaign is being received overall.

Discover the key themes and content that are resonating with your audience and any news coverage that has picked it up. You can see how the conversation about your campaign changes over time.

And you can understand what kind of audience you have attracted.


The Dashboard Wizard also knows which content is owned or earned, so you can quickly find out which of your own posts have been the most successful during the campaign and make sure you’re doing more of what works.

Harness power of influencers

Influencers are critical for helping you boost your campaign and get it in front of as many people as possible. These might be journalists, celebrities, public figures or just engaged members of the public.

You can also use Brandwatch Audiences to discover relevant influencers that might not have mentioned your campaign yet.

Audiences lets you search a database of over 280m active Twitter users to find the people who have the power to reach a wider audience and who are able to engage the right kind of people.

The Campaign Tracking Wizard lets you set up a Dashboard in moments and provides you with all the most important insights you need to make your campaign a success. But this is just the beginning, there’s no limit to the ways in which Brandwatch can be used to slice and dice your data to gain intelligence on any topic you like.