Spoiler time: The five top-mentioned moments
You might recognise this data from This Is Insider where it was featured earlier this week.
5. Jaime is alive! (9.03pm ET – 640 mentions)
Fans didn’t have to wait long to find out the fate of Jaime Lannister, last seen sinking into the bottom of a lake after attempting to attack Daenerys and Drogon.
Bronn pulls him from the water as the episode begins.
4. Jon Snow pets Drogon like he’s a puppy (9.16pm ET – 690 mentions)
At first it looked like Drogon was going to eat Jon, then he seemed pretty chill as Jon patted him on the nose. Aww.
Did he sense that Jon is really a Targaryen? Or did Jon just have some dog treats hidden in his coat? Who knows? (Jon Snow definitely doesn’t).
3. Jon Snow and team go looking for a White Walker (9.59 – 750 mentions)
To prove the existence of the army of the dead marching slowly but surely towards an unexpecting population on the other side of The Wall, Jon gets a team together to catch a White Walker.
2. Gendry is alive! (9.36pm – 760 mentions)
Fans have waited a long time to see Gendry again. And now he’s back and he’s not afraid to smash a man’s face in.
Sam stops listening to Gilly who’s reading out some seemingly unimportant facts about the Citadel, followed by the knowledge bombshell about Jon’s parents.
This could place Jon next in line for the Iron Throne, but Sam ignores Gilly. Not smart, Sam.
— Jon Winterfell (@JonWinterfall) August 14, 2017
Sam interrupting Gilly as she makes THE MOST IMPORTANT REVEAL in #GameOfThrones is every woman's experience in every meeting ever
— Abigail Brooks (@_abigailbrooks) August 14, 2017
Want more Game of Thrones data?
Our coverage of Game of Thrones data spans years, and we have a huge archive of season and episode-specific data available throughout our website. Our engaging data visualizations will also be covering season 7 as it progresses. (Note: You may notice some subtle differences between how the visualizations look and the charts in blogs – we’re using slightly different methods of tracking character mentions).
You can also take a look at our recently released Game of Thrones infographic that we released alongside Dr. Jillian Ney. It analyzes a million Reddit posts to find the most loved, overrated and underrated characters and more.
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